The Endo of a Flare

I’m so happy to be writing this. The flare that has been ravaging my body for the last few months has finally come to an end. Woohoo!

This Is Not The Endo
2 min readOct 25, 2022

I’m so happy to be writing this. The flare that has been ravaging my body for the last few months has finally come to an end. Woohoo!

The relief came a few weeks ago when I passed a string of blood clots. It wasn’t a normal string either. There was no other blood, it was in the middle of my cycle, it was about 20cm long and it was a very dark brown in colour. Immediately, things felt different. Lighter. Better.

Over the following few days the swelling in my back and pelvis went down. My pain levels reduced and I got some mobility back. The best thing is that the weight feeling that I had been experiencing every time I sat, was gone. Sitting was no longer painful! God I had forgotten what this was like.

It does make me ask some questions though. The blood clots came out of my vagina, presumably from my uterus. As Doctor Friend pointed out Endometriosis is outside the uterus so is what I’m seeing adenomyosis? Is it something else? Are similar strings of clots forming in other parts of my body, unable to escape?

This isn’t the first time this has happened either. Back in December, the day after I had the specialist scan there was a string of blood clots. I remember feeling significantly better afterwards and January and February were better cycles for me.

Furthermore, when I have the horrific cramping and diarrhoea symptoms the same thing happens. Within 24–48 hours of the terrible cramping there will be discharge or strings of clots sometimes with pink tissue at the end.

I wrote in my last post about how my appointments were potentially making me sicker. They definitely affect my anxiety and stress level. But there is little doubt in my mind that there is a physical reason for my pain. These strings of blood clots are the proof. In one way this is extremely reassuring. It means that my pain levels can decrease and my mobility can better. But it also works the other way. I have no way of knowing or controlling these clots and no idea when they will strike again. What I do know they will be back.

I’m just happy being in less pain. Being able to hang my own laundry out, plant some bulbs and even go for a walk in my local park. I don’t know how long this is going to last but I will be making the most of it.

Thank you, body, for giving me this rest bite.



This Is Not The Endo

A personal blog about living with Endometriosis and Adenomyosis.